Please reach out to us here with questions.
Keep in mind PeakFest is the work of volunteers, so response time may be slower around our day jobs! Please do not contact the Town of Apex with questions or for assistance, they are not the host of this event.
Access Strollway at Town Hall Commons
This path is a quick walk over to the festival. The sidewalk brings you to Duncan Commons over by the Thompson Street Stage location.
Tips for Attendees
For your best festival experience, note all our tips- including how to park & ride, where to access by foot and special access points for handicapped parking.​
Suggested parking areas:
​Handicap Parking: Behind The Halle Cultural Arts Center
Apex Baptist Church Back LotApex
Public Works Building
Saunders Street Parking Lot (Across from the Police Department)
Apex Town Hall- strollway access
Apex Community Center- strollway access
Hunter Street Park- strollway access
Please keep in mind that this is suggested parking.Look for towing signs and other no-parking indications before parking. Additional tips from the Apex Police Department below